government present 10.99   Finally, the government presents its case.
  prosecutor present 8.62   Prosecutors are still presenting their case.
  official present 5.00   Other Chinese officials also presented wreaths.
  company present 4.87   Also, Asian cement companies present few bargains.
  side present 4.67   Both sides can present witnesses.
  opportunity present 4.48   An opportunity presents itself.
  group present 3.75   The group presented an award but did not perform.
  lawyer present 3.49   My lawyers presented them at the appeal.
  researcher present 3.29   But now, two researchers are presenting a new theory.
  case present 2.90   This case presents one such situation.
  defense present 2.63   The defense presented no witnesses.
  prosecution present 2.37   Oh, the prosecution would present its original case.
  party present 2.30   The party presents itself as non-ideological.
  team present 2.30   That whole team presents a lot of problems.
  president present 2.11   The president will present.
  attorney present 1.78   Defence attorneys will present their case Saturday.
  film present 1.78   But even safety film can present problems.
  evidence present 1.71   Still, the evidence presents a fascinating question.
  situation present 1.71   But the situation presented quite a dilemma.
  administration present 1.51   The Bush administration presented it as a relief operation.
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