prevent pregnancy 6.25   It prevents pregnancy.
  terminate pregnancy 5.07   She decided to terminate her pregnancy.
  end pregnancy 4.08   They could end the pregnancy.
  avoid pregnancy 1.38   We have to look for ways to avoid unwanted pregnancies to occur.
  have pregnancy 1.12   Some have accidental pregnancies and do not believe in abortion.
  reduce pregnancy 1.12   Both plans also set a goal of reducing teen pregnancy, though their methods differ.
  hide pregnancy 0.99   They have often tried to hide the pregnancy.
  abort pregnancy 0.86   They decided to abort the pregnancy.
  announce pregnancy 0.79   Palace officials were criticized then for announcing the pregnancy too early.
  carry pregnancy 0.79   So McCorvey carried the pregnancy to term.
  achieve pregnancy 0.66   Her pregnancy was achieved through in vitro fertilization.
  lose pregnancy 0.59   Three times they lost a pregnancy.
  discuss pregnancy 0.53   They discussed pregnancy.
  maintain pregnancy 0.53   The pill blocks action of a hormone essential for maintaining pregnancy.
  produce pregnancy 0.53   The coupling failed to produce a pregnancy, though.
  combat pregnancy 0.46   Clinton nominated Foster for his reputation in combatting teen-age pregnancy.
  conceal pregnancy 0.46   Many of them conceal their pregnancies from their family members or employers.
  continue pregnancy 0.46   Their mothers risked infertility by continuing the pregnancy.
  cause pregnancy 0.39   Their early marriages cause early pregnancy.
  curb pregnancy 0.39   He was recognized nationally for efforts to curb teen pregnancies.
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