dire prediction 6.45   So what of the dire predictions?
  bold prediction 2.96   Sounds like a bold prediction.
  earlier prediction 2.50   Earlier predictions had been lower.
  gloomy prediction 2.30   But the gloomy predictions proved wrong.
  accurate prediction 1.78   It turned out to be an accurate prediction.
  similar prediction 1.78   Members of Congress made similar predictions.
  economic prediction 1.51   Worst economic prediction...
  optimistic prediction 1.25   Still, there is substance behind the optimistic predictions.
  early prediction 1.18   Lead with early predictions has moved.
  widespread prediction 1.18   Widespread predictions of acquittal may be wrong.
  pessimistic prediction 1.12   Duggan dismisses the pessimistic predictions about the future of PBS.
  such prediction 0.72   Why was such a prediction ridiculous?
  confident prediction 0.66   Terry Bradshaw gives more confident Super Bowl predictions.
  latest prediction 0.66   Latest predictions range from this week to the last half of July.
  long-range prediction 0.66   Long-range predictions rely heavily on two techniques.
  apocalyptic prediction 0.59   No one listened to her apocalyptic predictions.
  reliable prediction 0.59   That is no reliable prediction of either the result or the point spread.
  rosy prediction 0.59   These rosy predictions, after all, are only predictions.
  same prediction 0.59   He made the same prediction last year.
  grim prediction 0.53   Last week the grim prediction came true.
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