win praise 29.82   His frankness has won praise.
  draw praise 12.84   It has been drawing praise.
  sing praise 10.86   They sing his praises.
  have praise 9.61   I have only praise for him.
  heap praise 8.69   Clinton heaped praise on Espy.
  earn praise 7.04   Schett earned praise from Graf.
  deserve praise 6.25   But the deal deserves praise.
  offer praise 5.99   Yet he also offers praise.
  receive praise 5.92   His first novel received high praise.
  lavish praise 4.81   Music critics lavished praise.
  give praise 2.30   When should one give praise?
  bring praise 1.51   Her candor brought praise from critics.
  get praise 1.38   But others get praise.
  deflect praise 1.25   He will deflect the praise.
  hear praise 1.05   It was not too late to hear such praise.
  garner praise 0.99   But the product has not garnered universal praise.
  take praise 0.79   Woods took the praise in stride.
  accept praise 0.72   Barkley accepted the praise graciously.
  echo praise 0.59   The Baker-philic press echoed the praise.
  elicit praise 0.59   The diving pool often elicits praise.
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