negative portrayal 1.25   In publicist-speak, the film is a negative portrayal of snakes.
  accurate portrayal 0.92   The film is not an accurate portrayal of his life.
  realistic portrayal 0.92   But Waters has never been big on realistic portrayals.
  positive portrayal 0.72   Not a positive portrayal, but certainly a dramatic one.
  unflattering portrayal 0.59   The unflattering portrayals have become even more pointed over time.
  convincing portrayal 0.46   As Artaud, Frey delivers a convincing portrayal of unapologetic depravity.
  inaccurate portrayal 0.39   But numbers can also paint an inaccurate portrayal of investor sentiment.
  sensitive portrayal 0.39   There have been sensitive portrayals before.
  sympathetic portrayal 0.39   And perhaps, too, Johnson would object to any sympathetic portrayal of him in sorrowful pose.
  favorable portrayal 0.33   Protesters of the film fear a favorable portrayal might lead to a warming of popular feeling toward Turkey, a historical rival of Greece.
  luminous portrayal 0.26   Cate Blanchett gives a luminous portrayal and Geoffrey Rush gives her sturdy support as court politics and intrigues swirl about.
  public portrayal 0.26   And, much as Clinton sought, the public portrayals of welfare have begun to change.
  touching portrayal 0.26   She, too, offered clear, lovely singing and a touching portrayal.
  unfair portrayal 0.26   Fraser said the media presents unfair portrayals of blacks.
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