large portion 30.48   The restaurant gives large portions.
  small portion 21.72   A small portion.
  significant portion 10.14   This bonus constitutes a significant portion of their total income.
  good portion 7.97   It takes up a good portion of the Web page.
  substantial portion 6.39   He owns a substantial portion of the company.
  major portion 5.46   A major portion of the budget is spent on defence.
  smaller portion 5.20   Or eat smaller portions.
  larger portion 3.88   That leaves a larger portion to go toward paying the debt.
  eastern portion 3.29   Papua New Guinea is in the eastern portion.
  remaining portion 3.16   Repeat with remaining portions.
  equal portion 3.03   Divide the meat into six equal portions.
  lower portion 2.96   --The see-through lower portion of the rear hatch.
  tiny portion 2.76   Carjackings still account for a tiny portion of all car thefts.
  southern portion 2.63   The southern portions of the nation were relatively quiet.
  sizable portion 2.50   There is a sizable portion who stay in the Bahamas.
  western portion 2.50   Tonight ... Generally fair in the western portion.
  largest portion 2.30   Give the birds the largest portion.
  central portion 1.97   Then we lived in all this central portion.
  upper portion 1.97   The upper portion of the left arm was badly damaged.
  huge portion 1.84   A huge portion of it is social.
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