gain popularity 21.00   Convenience foods gained popularity.
  enjoy popularity 8.82   The NFL is enjoying great popularity.
  lose popularity 3.55   His Italian operas were losing popularity.
  boost popularity 3.29   But he has seen his popularity boosted because of the Kosovo crisis.
  increase popularity 2.24   He shunned all royal trappings, which only increased his popularity.
  regain popularity 1.65   Safety, played down for years, has regained popularity.
  win popularity 1.38   His outspoken and charming demeanor soon won him popularity.
  maintain popularity 1.32   He maintained considerable popularity.
  erode popularity 1.18   But like Stern, the hit in the wallet is starting to erode his popularity.
  retain popularity 1.12   The TV show has retained its popularity for many years.
  achieve popularity 0.99   None achieved popularity.
  use popularity 0.99   Perez plans to use his popularity here to run for the Senate.
  enhance popularity 0.86   Rumors that he had been banned only enhanced his popularity.
  build popularity 0.79   NASCAR built its popularity on accessibility.
  explain popularity 0.79   Cerf explained the popularity of such truncated endings.
  bolster popularity 0.72   Such sentiments are bolstering the popularity of no-loads.
  have popularity 0.72   Atlanta has that popularity.
  hurt popularity 0.66   That has hurt his popularity.
  test popularity 0.66   They still commission polls to test the popularity of new ideas.
  gauge popularity 0.59   But neither Mayer nor Afran has polling data to gauge his popularity.
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