new polymer 0.59   A certain patent might disclose the formula for a new polymer, for example.
  amorphous polymer 0.53   The orientation of the chains of amorphous polymers on deformation.
  synthetic polymer 0.53   He wanted to find a readily available synthetic polymer that could do the job.
  crystalline polymer 0.33   These are crystalline polymers with chain orientation virtually perfect in one direction.
  different polymer 0.33   Different polymers respond to different chemicals with different light-reflecting changes.
  clear polymer 0.26   These clear polymer cases will protect your investment.
  organic polymer 0.26   Because organic polymers break down in sunlight, Wheeler said, the alkoxysilanes are more common for outdoor use.
  solid polymer 0.26   Another approach to ocular drug delivery is to insert a solid polymer device beneath the lid.
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