conduct poll 15.21   ESPN conducted the poll.
  boycott poll 8.69   The opposition boycotted the poll.
  hold poll 5.92   The final polls were held Sunday.
  take poll 5.40   Now take a poll.
  publish poll 3.09   No other polls have been published.
  contest poll 3.03   Six lists are contesting the polls.
  release poll 2.70   The poll will be released today.
  lead poll 2.63   Bush leads every poll.
  win poll 2.57   Jammeh won presidential polls in September.
  leave poll 2.50   It also left the polls in an unusual state.
  top poll 2.37   He topped the poll in his native Londonderry.
  cite poll 2.11   It also cited public opinion polls against the practice.
  monitor poll 1.71   Opposition parties closely monitored the polls for fraud.
  supervise poll 1.65   Both organizations claim to have the right to supervise the polls.
  annul poll 1.58   The poll was annulled before the official result was released.
  call poll 1.58   Keating had to call a poll by early May.
  carry poll 1.58   ITAR-Tass, which carried the poll, did not give its margin of error.
  dismiss poll 1.58   Even so, Daley dismisses the polls.
  do poll 1.58   Comparable polls were not done in previous decades.
  organise poll 1.58   The military junta organised the polls but ignored the verdict.
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