palestinian policeman 38.84   Palestinian policemen seized their film.
  serb policeman 15.47   Four Serb policemen were killed.
  former policeman 9.81   Former policeman killed southwest of Belfast.
  armed policeman 8.16   Armed policemen regulated the crowds.
  israeli policeman 8.10   Five Israeli policemen were injured.
  the policeman 8.10   The two policemen are white.
  serbian policeman 4.74   Three Serbian policemen were injured.
  local policeman 4.08   Local policemen would have only sidearms.
  uniformed policeman 3.23   ...uniformed policemen.
  french policeman 2.57   French policeman wounded in Brazzaville.
  dead policeman 2.37   What is a dead policeman?
  senior policeman 2.30   Eventually a senior policemen arrived and defused the situation.
  injured policeman 2.04   The injured policeman later died.
  russian policeman 2.04   One Russian policeman was killed and three more were wounded.
  two policeman 1.91   Two other policemen were injured.
  algerian policeman 1.84   The first victim was an Algerian policeman.
  retired policeman 1.84   The retired policeman who began the inquiry.
  state policeman 1.84   Survivors identified state policemen as the killers.
  white policeman 1.84   In each, four white policemen attack a black man.
  second policeman 1.71   A second policeman was wounded.
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