palestinian police 212.05   But Palestinian police kept gunmen away.
  local police 135.55   Have you got the local police?
  israeli police 92.56   Israeli police and soldiers looked on.
  serb police 81.11   A Serb police outpost is attacked.
  state police 76.70   But the state police said no again.
  national police 40.42   The crowd set one national police tank on fire.
  armed police 38.97   Armed police surrounded the house.
  serbian police 35.94   She fell running from the Serbian police.
  federal police 33.25   He assigned federal police to track Romero.
  french police 32.52   But French police were taking no chances.
  special police 28.31   A special police crime unit is investigating.
  senior police 26.07   A senior police official denied the reports.
  former police 24.82   Former police Chief Eldrin Bell will sing.
  international police 24.82   International police monitors confirmed the jail break.
  german police 23.77   German police said the three were killed.
  heavy police 21.99   A heavy police presence kept watch.
  chinese police 19.75   Chinese police refused to comment.
  said police 19.09   It was, said police, an unprovoked attack.
  thai police 17.84   Thai police declined to give further details.
  british police 17.05   British police also are investigating.
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