write poetry 12.11   He wrote poetry.
  read poetry 3.03   We read poetry.
  recite poetry 2.30   He recites poetry.
  use poetry 0.86   I used contemporary poetry at one point.
  publish poetry 0.59   He has edited the literary magazine CUZ and published poetry.
  love poetry 0.46   Love poetry?
  compose poetry 0.39   For hours I composed poetry on the front sidewalk.
  have poetry 0.39   I had some poetry to read.
  teach poetry 0.39   Symptomatically, poetry is taught today as an afterthought.
  translate poetry 0.39   They translate Shakespearean poetry into the language of cinema.
  bring poetry 0.33   Slams, they say, bring poetry out of the classroom and into the barroom.
  enjoy poetry 0.33   Did the parrot enjoy the poetry?
  feature poetry 0.33   An album featuring his poetry debuted last fall.
  promote poetry 0.33   He said he particularly wanted to promote poetry in schools.
  study poetry 0.33   He began to study poetry seriously.
  include poetry 0.26   The letter, which includes poetry that appears to have been written by the author, was translated by The New York Times.
  memorize poetry 0.26   I would memorize more poetry.
  see poetry 0.26   Molly Peacock sees poetry in linoleum.
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