take podium 5.20   Mbeki took the podium.
  leave podium 1.97   Windom left the podium Monday.
  share podium 1.84   They shared a podium and even tried cracking jokes.
  make podium 1.71   I made the podium four times.
  reach podium 1.12   Last night, she reached the podium.
  approach podium 0.92   Cheers rang out as he approached the podium.
  mount podium 0.86   After mounting the podium, he stared out at the pennant-waving throng.
  climb podium 0.72   She climbed the podium six times to win the World Cup downhill title last season.
  miss podium 0.46   He missed the podium the previous year.
  occupy podium 0.33   Opposition deputies occupied the podium waving banners and wearing smocks festooned with protest slogans.
  rush podium 0.26   Chaney barged into the room and rushed the podium.
  turn podium 0.26   Then I turned the podium over to Brian and sat down.
  use podium 0.26   Why not use his podium to philosophize and sermonize?
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