bronchial pneumonia 2.11   He developed bronchial pneumonia.
  viral pneumonia 1.78   Viral pneumonia was the diagnosis.
  bacterial pneumonia 0.92   He developed bacterial pneumonia.
  walking pneumonia 0.86   And then they said walking pneumonia.
  severe pneumonia 0.72   Then he gets severe pneumonia.
  community-acquired pneumonia 0.66   Avelox is used for treatment of respiratory tract infections and community-acquired pneumonia.
  acute pneumonia 0.59   The ex-dictator is recovering from acute pneumonia.
  developed pneumonia 0.59   Doctors later admitted that the president also had developed pneumonia.
  developing pneumonia 0.39   She died there from complications after developing pneumonia.
  recurring pneumonia 0.39   He is fighting recurring pneumonia in his left lung.
  aids-related pneumonia 0.33   The cause was AIDS-related pneumonia, his family said.
  interstitial pneumonia 0.26   The trainer died from a severe lung infection known as interstitial pneumonia.
  mild pneumonia 0.26   He was later diagnosed with mild pneumonia.
  possible pneumonia 0.26   They paid Forsbrand, because he was hospitalized with possible pneumonia.
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