price plunge 23.44   Prices plunged.
  stock plunge 18.50   Its stock plunged.
  share plunge 7.11   Its shares plunged.
  dollar plunge 5.00   The dollar plunged instead.
  market plunge 4.08   Asian markets plunge.
  currency plunge 3.75   Currencies plunged.
  future plunge 3.69   Soybean oil futures also plunged, leading to declines in soybean futures.
  bond plunge 3.55   Bonds plunged across Europe.
  car plunge 2.30   The car plunged over a cliff.
  plane plunge 2.24   The plane then plunged into the Pacific Ocean.
  sale plunge 2.17   Sales plunged.
  temperature plunge 1.97   But the temperature did not plunge precipitously.
  bus plunge 1.84   Bus plunges into river, killing six.
  peso plunge 1.78   Then the peso plunged.
  country plunge 1.51   The country plunges into virtual anarchy.
  rupiah plunge 1.51   That would instantly cause the rupiah to plunge in value.
  vehicle plunge 1.51   Both vehicles plunged into the river, Chitoba said.
  yield plunge 1.45   Yields on bonds plunged after the announcement.
  confidence plunge 1.32   Consumer confidence has plunged.
  truck plunge 1.32   The truck then plunged into the gorge.
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