coup plot 10.01   Mandela concerned about coup plot.
  assassination plot 8.82   There were no intricate assassination plots.
  bomb plot 5.46   Militia leaders indicted in bomb plot.
  murder plot 4.15   The victim of an alleged murder plot told.
  terror plot 2.17   Morocco details alleged al-Qaida terror plot.
  cemetery plot 1.78   A cemetery plot?
  government plot 1.38   Forget the government plots.
  movie plot 1.38   A good movie plot?
  extortion plot 1.32   Eight others also are charged in the extortion plot.
  millennium plot 1.05   The millennium plot revealed gaping vulnerabilities at home.
  destabilization plot 0.86   The government says the attacks are part of a destabilization plot.
  test plot 0.86   But activists are already sabotaging test plots in protest.
  embassy plot 0.59   Allegedly part of Paris embassy plot.
  land plot 0.46   The news agency said they would use them to cart vegetables from their land plots.
  al-qaida plot 0.39   An al-Qaida plot to blow up the U.S. Embassy in Rome.
  death plot 0.39   Bishop Belo was never arrested, Pinto said, but double agents had informed him of three death plots.
  backyard plot 0.33   Her family had a small but orderly backyard plot.
  four-acre plot 0.33   The four-acre plot for the Jewish homes is owned by Florida millionaire Irving Moskowitz.
  half-acre plot 0.33   But the half-acre plots and well-manicured cactus gardens can be deceptive.
  kidnap plot 0.33   Kidnap plot reportedly thwarted.
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