make pledge 13.10   I make this pledge.
  sign pledge 10.53   He has not signed the pledge.
  fulfill pledge 7.57   He fulfilled his pledge to cut taxes.
  break pledge 5.27   He said Truscott had broken the pledge.
  include pledge 4.54   But now her visit may also include a pledge of aid, Rubin said.
  keep pledge 4.54   So far it has kept the pledge.
  reiterate pledge 4.54   Bush reiterated those pledges Tuesday.
  renew pledge 4.41   Let us renew that pledge today.
  repeat pledge 4.21   Bush repeated his pledge of tax cuts for all.
  honor pledge 4.02   She expects Joe to honor the pledge.
  win pledge 2.90   He also won a pledge of support from Sharif.
  receive pledge 2.70   Last week, in Germany, he received pledges of economic aid.
  take pledge 2.50   Pat Buchanan has already taken the pledge.
  violate pledge 1.91   Violating that pledge could be grounds for dismissal.
  recite pledge 1.78   Schoolchildren are not obliged to recite the pledge.
  follow pledge 1.32   The announcement followed a pledge by German drug company Boehringer-Ingelheim.
  say pledge 1.25   You were not supposed to say any pledge.
  honour pledge 1.18   The time is coming when they will have to honour that pledge.
  secure pledge 1.18   He secured record pledges, and was credited with turning the program around financially.
  give pledge 1.12   Loyalists gave this pledge several months ago.
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