party platform 10.73   Do party platforms matter?
  new platform 5.66   The party adopted a new platform.
  republican platform 5.46   The Republican platform would restrict its use.
  political platform 4.54   But as a political platform, this will never do.
  raised platform 3.62   Candles burn on a raised platform.
  offshore platform 3.29   The offshore platform is one victim.
  wooden platform 3.23   Pollock built a wooden platform to hold the glass.
  viewing platform 3.16   Nearby is the ground zero viewing platform.
  same platform 2.63   In platform, they dive off the same platform.
  common platform 2.57   The United Front has yet to define a common platform.
  drilling platform 1.65   Esso said the drilling platform will be the largest in Southeast Asia.
  democratic platform 1.58   This is the stated position of the Democratic platform.
  small platform 1.51   He used it to light a small platform on the field.
  trading platform 1.45   On Wednesday, Enron shut down its EnronOnline trading platform.
  national platform 1.38   That gives him a national platform.
  concrete platform 1.32   The pressurized-water method does not work on the concrete platforms, however.
  floating platform 1.32   New cities have been built on floating platforms.
  anti-corruption platform 1.25   He is running on an anti-corruption platform, but critics say he lacks charisma.
  conservative platform 1.12   Conservative platforms were explained in vivid detail.
  economic platform 1.12   Overall, their economic platforms sound remarkably similar.
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