wooden plank 6.91   A rickety wooden plank crosses it at one end.
  anti-abortion plank 3.29   The governor supports the anti-abortion plank in the GOP platform.
  central plank 2.04   The central plank of the new policy was rural development.
  main plank 1.45   There are three main planks in my platform.
  wood plank 1.18   Wood plank floors are unfinished.
  key plank 0.92   The Camisea gas venture is a key plank in the plan.
  major plank 0.66   These form the major planks in our future strategy.
  pro-life plank 0.39   Where was he when we were fighting on the floor for the pro-life plank at the Republican convention?
  rough plank 0.39   But the ceiling is made of rough wooden planks and the floor of mud.
  antiabortion plank 0.33   The Republican platform contains a strong antiabortion plank.
  oak plank 0.33   Inexpensive chardonnays are pumped over oak chips or stored in steel drums fitted with racks of oak planks.
  strong plank 0.33   The Republican platform contains a strong antiabortion plank.
  short plank 0.26   Thick as two short planks !
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