product placement 8.10   Product placement?
  pin placement 4.02   The pin placements.
  job placement 3.29   The agency assists with job placement.
  share placement 1.05   The share placement will be completed today.
  community placement 0.79   Sarkissian, who strongly supports community placements, agreed.
  camera placement 0.53   The director tried several different camera placements for the scene.
  equity placement 0.53   The funds, which are treated as private equity placements, have stringent requirements for assets and income.
  stent placement 0.39   Endoscopic stent placement was successful in all cases.
  work placement 0.39   Er, work placements, yes Susan Ann and John have started.
  body placement 0.33   Body placement is perfect and the men, stronger than the women, are superb.
  care placement 0.33   His CPS case plan calls for a long-term foster care placement.
  hand placement 0.33   Lessons and Tests introduce the keys and proper hand placement.
  troop placement 0.33   The new figures are derived from more precise data on troop placement and weather patterns.
  cigarette placement 0.26   In March, Luther introduced legislation that would bar all cigarette placement in movies.
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