take place 9.74   And when might this crumbling take place?
  year place 5.46   It actually took place this year.
  week place 4.48   The recall took place this week.
  season place 4.02   It was even in place last season.
  day place 3.82   We found the place some days past.
  summer place 3.03   And then there is the summer place.
  time place 2.57   The place this time, he adds, is the Net.
  weekend place 2.50   That will take place next weekend.
  team place 1.65   Westerveld may now struggle for a first team place.
  fast-food place 1.58   I avoid fast-food places when on the road.
  pizza place 1.45   Call the pizza place.
  month place 1.38   I even stayed at his place a couple months.
  promotion place 1.32   His injury curbed celebrations of a win that guarantees Boro a promotion play-off place.
  playoff place 1.25   Bulgaria must win to clinch at least a playoff place.
  podium place 1.25   The last podium place went to Hakkinen.
  nursery place 1.12   We will continue to encourage the creation of nursery places.
  night place 1.05   This is a night place.
  storage place 1.05   The silos used were once storage places for soybeans.
  bottom place 0.99   They will play bottom place South Shields next week.
  fall place 0.86   The change will take place this fall.
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