full-count pitch 2.70   Galarraga walked on a full-count pitch.
  football pitch 2.17   Another must is a football pitch.
  warmup pitch 1.84   He took some warmup pitches and remained in the game.
  soccer pitch 1.65   Were we Marking out a soccer pitch?
  two-strike pitch 1.65   Two came on two-strike pitches.
  warm-up pitch 1.58   Rosado threw two more warm-up pitches and stepped off the mound.
  brushback pitch 1.25   How about a brushback pitch?
  campaign pitch 1.12   Yeltsin and Zyuganov made their final campaign pitches Monday.
  option pitch 1.12   Correll Buckhalter scored on a option pitch.
  cricket pitch 0.99   The cricket pitch was not damaged.
  practice pitch 0.92   Penny threw some practice pitches and continued.
  season pitch 0.79   Loewer never threw a pitch this season.
  dot pitch 0.72   Also important is dot pitch.
  quality pitch 0.72   But he made quality pitches.
  time pitch 0.72   He can throw any pitch any time he wants.
  product pitch 0.59   A shrewd blend of product pitch and public service.
  split-finger pitch 0.59   His split-finger pitch is often used as a change-up.
  mistake pitch 0.53   It was a mistake pitch.
  drop-in pitch 0.46   A portable drop-in pitch will be prepared for the Darwin ground.
  grass pitch 0.46   The first thing Derwall wanted was a grass pitch.
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