olympic pin 1.97   Olympic pins.
  metal pin 1.45   The table-top pivots on two metal pins.
  straight pin 1.32   Straight pins, safety pins, needles.
  gold pin 1.12   Ditto for a matte gold pin.
  tiny pin 0.79   It felt as if thousands of tiny pins were prickling the skin.
  bowling pin 0.66   The machine reset the bowling pins.
  difficult pin 0.66   Factor in difficult pin positions, and two-putt pars become precious.
  little pin 0.66   Are you going to have them little pins?
  new pin 0.66   Where can I find a new pin?
  tough pin 0.59   Tough pin placements surprised many of the players.
  red pin 0.46   He stuck red pins for fatalities, yellow pins for serious injuries.
  small pin 0.46   Pull out any small pin bones.
  surgical pin 0.46   Bartolozzi plans to insert surgical pins into the fracture rather than use a cast.
  commemorative pin 0.39   Ticketholders will receive a commemorative Olympic pin.
  back pin 0.33   Back pins should be attacked with a low shot and front pins with a high shot.
  colored pin 0.33   Troop positions were marked with colored pins.
  human pin 0.33   Her body looks like a grotesque human pin cushion.
  front pin 0.26   If I hit a good drive, I had a wedge to a front pin.
  locking pin 0.26   The jury has been told that locking pins which should have secured the gantry had failed.
  official pin 0.26   Where will the official pin trading center be located?
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