kill pilot 17.97   He killed a pilot.
  train pilot 5.99   He said the pilots were trained in secret camps.
  include pilot 4.48   The survivors include the pilot.
  rescue pilot 4.28   Its pilot was rescued.
  identify pilot 3.69   The pilot is not identified.
  say pilot 2.50   However, he said pilots and troops remain wary.
  capture pilot 2.37   Its two pilots were captured.
  injure pilot 2.37   Neither pilot was injured.
  represent pilot 2.30   Key was appointed to represent the pilot.
  arm pilot 2.11   Pilots could be armed.
  take pilot 2.11   Our pilot was taken prisoner.
  warn pilot 2.04   The controller is then supposed to warn the pilot by radio.
  release pilot 1.51   The pilot was released, police said.
  interview pilot 1.38   A request to interview other pilots also was turned down.
  pay pilot 1.38   The regional-jet carriers pay pilots less.
  shoot pilot 1.32   They shot the pilot over a year ago.
  tell pilot 1.32   I wish I had told the pilot.
  hold pilot 1.25   But Karadzic has continued to insist he did not know who was holding the pilots.
  alert pilot 1.18   And it will alert the pilot when a turn or dive is extreme.
  have pilot 1.18   At least Davis had a pilot.
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