raise pig 1.91   They raise pigs.
  kill pig 1.18   She had to kill her pig.
  clone pig 1.05   If only Gregor Mendel had lived to see the first cloned pig.
  slaughter pig 1.05   The pigs were slaughtered on the farm.
  feed pig 0.92   His mother fed pigs.
  buy pig 0.72   We are not buying a pig in a poke.
  have pig 0.66   Cincinnati had pigs.
  infect pig 0.66   It was not immediately clear how the pigs in Hoonhorst were infected.
  roast pig 0.66   If you want happiness for a day, roast a pig.
  take pig 0.59   He takes pet pigs on the Jay Leno show.
  make pig 0.53   Making a pig of yourself.
  breed pig 0.46   If it takes, that pig is then bred.
  develop pig 0.46   Genetically engineered pigs could be developed as a source for human organ transplants.
  affect pig 0.39   He did not say how many pigs had been affected by the virus.
  destroy pig 0.39   Several hundred research pigs were destroyed.
  see pig 0.39   Except when you see the pigs.
  shoot pig 0.39   At present soldiers and police are shooting the pigs.
  suckle pig 0.39   Sturgeon, suckling pig, smoked tongue.
  hunt pig 0.33   Outback road workers hunt wild pigs for extra cash.
  butcher pig 0.26   Pigs were butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.
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