draft pick 74.46   Brown was a Dave Gavitt draft pick.
  first-round pick 26.53   Both were first-round picks.
  second-round pick 12.11   He was a second-round pick.
  lottery pick 6.32   Both were lottery picks.
  third-round pick 4.87   Both players are third-round picks.
  fourth-round pick 3.49   Gary was a fourth-round pick from Georgia.
  seventh-round pick 2.96   We had him a seventh-round pick.
  fifth-round pick 1.91   He was a fifth-round pick out of Texas Tech.
  year pick 1.25   The Nuggets have the fifth pick this year.
  season pick 1.12   Our pick this season?
  sixth-round pick 1.12   One of those players is Wynn, a sixth-round pick.
  preseason pick 1.05   No one will care about who the preseason picks are.
  economy pick 0.99   Demand is seen improving as the global economy picks up.
  late-round pick 0.86   At best, he will be a late-round pick.
  top-five pick 0.79   All three are projected top-five picks.
  toe pick 0.59   His first skates came with toe picks.
  consensus pick 0.53   He was a consensus pick for the Big East all-rookie team.
  guitar pick 0.53   He was not chopping up reels of film into celluloid guitar picks.
  surprise pick 0.53   Palffy could be seen as a surprise pick.
  rookie pick 0.46   Rookie draft pick Mike Smith was re-signed, but he did not play.
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