jazz pianist 4.61   Thomas is a jazz pianist.
  young pianist 2.50   The young pianist needed little prodding.
  classical pianist 1.65   Classical pianist.
  accomplished pianist 1.58   An accomplished pianist, he composed music for Mass.
  great pianist 0.99   I am a great pianist.
  russian pianist 0.86   Constantin Lifschitz is not the most publicized of the young Russian pianists, but he is the most significant.
  amateur pianist 0.72   An amateur pianist would be grand.
  talented pianist 0.72   He is also a talented pianist.
  trained pianist 0.66   Felder, a classically trained pianist, portrays Gershwin.
  french pianist 0.59   Falling for French pianist Gerard Depardieu.
  renowned pianist 0.59   But she first wed, and divorced, another renowned pianist, Mieczyslaw Munz.
  american pianist 0.53   American pianist Christopher Shih says nothing works for him.
  gifted pianist 0.53   Gifted pianist suffers from schizophrenia.
  solo pianist 0.53   He also recorded as a solo pianist.
  virtuoso pianist 0.53   A startlingly creative set by a virtuoso pianist.
  brilliant pianist 0.46   She was a brilliant pianist, a beautiful, wonderful woman.
  canadian pianist 0.46   Canadian pianist Rosnes has long displayed a flair for original jazz compositions.
  professional pianist 0.46   Both were born in Moscow, and both are the offspring of professional pianists.
  cuban pianist 0.39   The Cuban pianist Chucho Valdez will be performing a rare two-week stand at the Village Vanguard.
  fine pianist 0.39   But she is really a fine pianist.
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