personal physician 5.46   He talks to their personal physicians.
  attending physician 5.27   Larry was the attending physician.
  private physician 2.57   But the crucial constituency over the next year is private physicians.
  local physician 2.37   They were referred from local physicians.
  ringside physician 1.84   Taliak was escorted to the ringside physician after the fight.
  chief physician 1.38   She had been assistant chief physician of the Oslo Board of Health.
  prominent physician 1.25   Still, there are prominent Arab physicians, lawyers and municipal officials.
  retired physician 1.12   My old man is a retired physician and also suffers from M.S.
  senior physician 1.05   The senior physician waves it off.
  licensed physician 0.99   Looking for background on every licensed U.S. physician?
  young physician 0.99   It was years before some shrewd young physician figured out what was really wrong.
  american physician 0.92   That will be none too soon for the three Mir astronauts, including an American physician.
  female physician 0.92   ACCESS is staffed by two female physicians and one male.
  independent physician 0.92   Frustrated and frightened, she went to an independent physician.
  only physician 0.92   Frist, R-Tenn., is the only physician in the Senate.
  russian physician 0.92   A Russian physician has examined Pope in prison.
  fellow physician 0.86   But now there was no one around except my fellow physicians.
  military physician 0.86   The school trains military physicians.
  practicing physician 0.86   Both of his parents were practicing physicians.
  british physician 0.79   The other, a British physician, was released after serving his sentence and still lives in Cambodia.
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