key phrase 1.84   This is the key phrase.
  catchy phrase 1.45   A catchy phrase.
  same phrase 1.38   We used the same phrase once.
  short phrase 1.25   Even short phrases can cause problems.
  english phrase 1.12   He peppers his speech with English phrases.
  last phrase 1.05   Even the last phrase.
  musical phrase 0.92   The shape of the musical phrase and the dramatic gesture were linked.
  memorable phrase 0.86   Every era has spawned memorable phrases.
  new phrase 0.86   Bush at night hatches quizzical new phrases.
  simple phrase 0.79   Behind that simple phrase is an important admission.
  old phrase 0.66   She used the old phrase.
  spanish phrase 0.66   He peppered his speeches with Spanish phrases when he was governor of Texas.
  familiar phrase 0.53   Northern Arizona will have to rework a familiar phrase.
  latin phrase 0.53   The word comes from the Latin phrase for breaking a fast, or breakfast.
  repeated phrase 0.53   Giveaways might be repeated phrases, misspellings, grammatical errors.
  similar phrase 0.53   Similar phrases have been used about Witt before.
  common phrase 0.46   Hardly a common phrase in the English language.
  exact phrase 0.46   I forget the exact phrase.
  famous phrase 0.46   The famous phrase was appropriate.
  long phrase 0.46   Long phrases were pointedly subdivided into smaller ones.
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