similar petition 2.50   GTE-California has filed a similar petition.
  new petition 1.25   A new petition was filed Thursday morning.
  nominating petition 1.18   All of the mayoral candidates filed nominating petitions Thursday.
  separate petition 1.18   Cincinnati Bell also filed a separate petition with the FCC on Friday, the deadline for such comments.
  formal petition 0.86   It was not a formal petition requesting an investigation.
  recent petition 0.72   He had signed two recent pro-democracy petitions.
  earlier petition 0.59   In the earlier petition, Munoz alleged that Ogazon had beaten her twice.
  emergency petition 0.59   The group filed the emergency petition with the board calling for an immediate stop.
  legal petition 0.59   A Berlin court has however dismissed the legal petition of four residents to keep the street as it is.
  national petition 0.59   Peres demanded early elections and announced a national petition campaign.
  online petition 0.59   He signed two or three online petitions.
  original petition 0.59   Then several industries sued on the basis of the original petitions.
  signed petition 0.59   Most states require signed petitions from a certain number of voters.
  first petition 0.53   Her first petitions for financial aid were denied.
  second petition 0.53   The second petition is about nursery classes at first school.
  third petition 0.46   This was the third petition he has submitted.
  written petition 0.46   Others had made a convincing case in their written petitions that they had already paid their debt to society.
  successful petition 0.39   Rosenthal said it was his third successful petition since July.
  the petition 0.39   Eight of the nine petitions were rejected.
  joint petition 0.33   The High Court imposed the restriction on Wednesday on a joint petition filed by an economist, a university teacher and a journalist.
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