devalue peso 7.31   He declined however to devalue the peso.
  support peso 2.63   The steady regional currencies also helped support the peso.
  weaken peso 2.50   That could weaken the peso.
  peg peso 2.44   The peso is pegged one-to-one with the dollar.
  buoy peso 1.97   Traders said the peso was also buoyed by inflows to the stock market.
  defend peso 1.97   TheBSP had earlier tightened liquidity to defend the peso.
  buy peso 1.38   The Mexican central bank bought pesos to support its currency.
  stabilize peso 1.38   Instead, it has used interest rates to stabilize the peso in volatile market conditions.
  strengthen peso 1.32   The plan helped strengthen the peso early Friday.
  boost peso 1.18   Some dollar inflows also boosted the peso.
  float peso 1.05   Uruguay freely floats its peso.
  bolster peso 0.99   Recent foreign investments are also bolstering the peso.
  help peso 0.79   Slack corporate dollar demand also helped the peso, traders said.
  prevent peso 0.72   Traders said weak commercial demand for dollars prevented the peso from falling further.
  push peso 0.66   The trade deficit will grow, pushing the peso down, which will raise inflation.
  sell peso 0.66   Traders have sold pesos to buy dollars they can exchange for stronger marks or yen.
  tie peso 0.66   The Argentine peso is tied one-to-one to the U.S. dollar.
  underpin peso 0.66   The peso was also underpinned by thin corporate dollar demand.
  pressure peso 0.59   The cuts, announced before trading opened, briefly pressured the peso.
  borrow peso 0.53   The swap window will allow banks to borrow pesos using dollars.
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