earnings per 21.53   Earnings per share fell.
  cost per 6.78   The cost per year?
  dollar per 6.39   Both cost several hundred dollars per portion.
  time per 5.66   Published six times per year.
  price per 4.02   Tin - n.a. Metals Week composite price per lb.
  mile per 3.29   Your speed was so many miles per hour.
  output per 2.76   Productivity measures output per worker.
  penny per 2.70   How many pennies per gram?
  hour per 2.57   How many hours per day would be considered full sun?
  flight per 2.30   There are also several flights per day, too.
  person per 2.24   I can please only one person per day.
  people per 2.17   Resolve to meet at least two new people per event.
  revenue per 2.11   Revenue per railroad worker rose while rates fell.
  ticket per 2.11   Two tickets per postcard.
  point per 2.04   One point per pass.
  yard per 1.97   Yards per catch.
  money per 1.91   New York also got less money per household.
  cent per 1.84   It only costs them a few cents per disk.
  part per 1.84   Pollutants are measured in parts per billion.
  child per 1.78   Five children per woman.
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