disability pension 3.23   Disability pensions barely cover utility bills.
  retirement pension 2.37   He wants retirement pensions untouched.
  government pension 1.97   Government pensions are now paid up in full.
  company pension 1.12   I have a company pension and we both receive Social Security benefits.
  old-age pension 0.92   He also promised not to touch old-age pensions in certain categories.
  employee pension 0.79   -- Provide incentives for employers to give employee pensions.
  worker pension 0.46   Recent changes in the tax law have reduced the deductions that businesses can claim for worker pensions.
  army pension 0.39   She embarked on a lecture tour to make money, and she received an army pension.
  city pension 0.39   Her boys will receive her modest city pension.
  defined-benefit pension 0.39   At bigger, established companies, the defined-benefit pension is still very much alive.
  lifetime pension 0.39   Q. Does a defined-benefit lifetime pension negate the need for a bond portfolio?
  police pension 0.33   He said the police pensions are currently the highest in the country.
  war pension 0.26   The court ruled they had no right to the payment because war pensions were limited to Japanese.
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