rain pelt 3.09   Rain pelted the windows.
  protester pelt 1.65   Protesters pelted armed riot police with stones.
  youth pelt 1.58   In the town of Jenin, youths pelted Israeli jeeps with stones.
  demonstrator pelt 1.51   Demonstrators pelted eggs at the effigy.
  fan pelt 1.45   The fans pelted police with stones.
  crowd pelt 1.25   Earlier, crowds pelted government buildings with eggs.
  stone pelt 0.86   Stones pelted the windows.
  student pelt 0.86   Agitated students pelted bricks at the centre injuring a student.
  group pelt 0.66   Both the groups pelted stones at each other.
  hundred pelt 0.59   But, at a mosque, hundreds pelted Muslim worshippers with stones and set cars afire.
  mob pelt 0.59   Mobs pelted shops, Antara said.
  settler pelt 0.59   Settlers pelt police with stones, tomatoes.
  rioter pelt 0.53   Rioters pelted stones at buildings and vehicles.
  child pelt 0.33   The snake took the advice literally, and soon children were pelting it with stones.
  hail pelt 0.33   Baseball-sized hail pelted parts of western Nebraska late Wednesday amid a bevy of severe thunderstorms.
  resident pelt 0.33   Camp residents pelted army jeeps with stones, and Israeli soldiers responded with tear gas and rubber bullets.
  supporter pelt 0.33   On one street, Sharon supporters pelted the convoy with eggs, oranges and tomatoes.
  worker pelt 0.33   Several workers pelted the police with eggs.
  man pelt 0.26   Young men pelted police with stones and at least two vehicles were set on fire.
  protestor pelt 0.26   The protestors pelted vehicles with stones and set two buses on fire, witnesss said.
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