would-be peacemaker 1.12   Mideast wary of would-be peacemakers.
  international peacemaker 0.59   Then insert a small band of international peacemakers between the two armies.
  balkan peacemaker 0.33   They were unhappy with what they claim is U.S. support of Milosevic as a Balkan peacemaker.
  potential peacemaker 0.26   Saudi Arabia, meanwhile, is asserting itself this year as a potential peacemaker.
  regional peacemaker 0.26   International leaders, too, are counting on Milosevic to continue his role as regional peacemaker.
  turned peacemaker 0.26   The right-wing opposition Likud has found itself in disarray, amazed by the outpouring of grief at the loss of the general turned peacemaker.
  veteran peacemaker 0.26   Netanyahu, who defeated veteran peacemaker Shimon Peres in the elections, has not yet agreed to their resumption.
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