wet pavement 2.83   But wet pavement is not normal.
  rough pavement 0.86   On rough pavement, you feel every bump.
  dry pavement 0.79   Dry pavement.
  broken pavement 0.59   The rain danced on broken pavement.
  icy pavement 0.53   He had slipped on an icy pavement.
  new pavement 0.53   The driver who handles the new pavement best will win the race.
  cold pavement 0.46   We stood on the cold pavement all day.
  slippery pavement 0.46   He sprinted along the slippery pavement.
  uneven pavement 0.39   I stumbled on the uneven pavement.
  concrete pavement 0.33   He landed on a concrete pavement and died instantly.
  cracked pavement 0.33   A motionless ferris wheel dominates the cracked pavement of a deserted amusement park.
  hot pavement 0.33   An underinflated tire on hot pavement is a flat waiting to happen.
  narrow pavement 0.33   Duelists in the umbrella wars faced off on sidestreets and on the narrow pavements of Lexington Avenue.
  slick pavement 0.33   Slick pavement.
  street pavement 0.33   Here the street pavement begins to crack.
  crowded pavement 0.26   My parents and Joan were on the crowded pavement near an ice-cream cart and a streamer seller.
  surrounding pavement 0.26   Traffic was reduced to a crawl by the sheer weight of pedestrians on the surrounding pavements.
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