greet patron 0.66   Johnson greeted a patron at the refreshment counter last week.
  attract patron 0.46   Something about John Trudell attracts patrons.
  have patron 0.46   Jordan had no patron, only a father-in-law.
  keep patron 0.33   And what is the optimum pulse for keeping the patrons of a dance club on their feet all night long?
  draw patron 0.26   It prospered, drawing patrons from the Lincoln Center area and farther afield.
  entertain patron 0.26   Singers Azimah Wahab and Nasir Wahab entertained patrons.
  find patron 0.26   Here, Rado found a patron who gave him a job restoring works of art.
  frisk patron 0.26   Patrons were being frisked at the door.
  injure patron 0.26   Four patrons were injured.
  kill patron 0.26   One tossed a grenade into an all-night kiosk, killing a patron.
  lose patron 0.26   Several entertainment and leisure venues have also lost patrons.
  serve patron 0.26   The law at the time prohibited bars from serving patrons who were openly homosexual.
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