ill patient 24.56   Desperately ill patients do not.
  elderly patient 10.07   Two thousand elderly patients will be enrolled.
  new patient 7.31   New patient.
  the patient 6.58   The other patients were all unharmed.
  young patient 5.92   It is most useful in young patients.
  first patient 5.73   Yeltsin is not his first big patient.
  former patient 5.73   The patient was now recovering.
  older patient 5.27   Older patients stay twice as long.
  dying patient 4.94   Dying patients especially-
  psychiatric patient 4.74   How dangerous is it to work with psychiatric patients?
  female patient 4.28   My female patients?
  individual patient 4.02   The identity of individual patients was not disclosed.
  sick patient 3.88   I only see the sick patients.
  injured patient 3.82   Six other injured patients remained unidentified.
  male patient 3.55   Ward Number One is for male patients.
  poor patient 3.23   Capron said he feared for poor patients.
  sickest patient 3.23   The sickest patients?
  depressed patient 2.90   Severely depressed patients fared as well with either.
  high-risk patient 2.90   Of course, high-risk patients should get flu shots.
  black patient 2.70   McGown denied experimenting on black patients.
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