different path 14.02   He took a different path.
  same path 10.14   They always use the same paths.
  clear path 5.79   But that gave us a clear path.
  beaten path 5.73   He treads off-off the beaten path.
  right path 5.33   We are on the right path.
  similar path 5.13   GM is pursuing similar paths.
  new path 5.00   Their careers took new paths.
  narrow path 4.87   Keep him on the narrow path.
  garden path 2.50   Emma came running up the garden path.
  base path 2.11   Trickery on the base paths.
  steep path 2.04   A steep path led down to the harbour.
  difficult path 1.91   Hungary has a difficult path ahead.
  best path 1.84   The U.S. has the best path to the Gold Cup final.
  winding path 1.84   He climbed the winding path up the hill.
  wrong path 1.84   Are we on the wrong path?
  well-worn path 1.78   We were not covering well-worn paths in our learning.
  divergent path 1.71   The two later went on divergent paths.
  easier path 1.71   The Raiders had an easier path.
  easy path 1.65   Cipollini suddenly had an easy path.
  rocky path 1.65   It was a rocky path.
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