great passion 3.69   Birds were my great passion.
  same passion 3.16   He had the same passion I have.
  political passion 2.96   Democratic realism is my political passion.
  real passion 2.90   His real passion?
  lifelong passion 2.63   The speaker has had a lifelong passion for zoos.
  national passion 1.84   The Thai massage is a national passion.
  deep passion 1.32   Both have a deep passion for politics and all its intricacies.
  strong passion 1.32   The issue arouses strong passions.
  nationalist passion 1.25   But opposition awoke nationalist passions.
  consuming passion 1.18   The project has become his consuming passion.
  new passion 1.18   Besides, he has a new passion.
  public passion 1.18   As time passes, public passions mellow.
  sexual passion 1.12   Brahmacharya is the control of sexual passions.
  true passion 1.12   But his true passion was hockey.
  sectarian passion 1.05   The marches inevitably inflame sectarian passions, particularly in Portadown.
  personal passion 0.99   Bronfman also has a personal passion for music.
  partisan passion 0.92   But partisan passions had grown so venomous that he changed his mind.
  religious passion 0.92   Not all the work is motivated by religious passion.
  shared passion 0.92   Completion of the biography also fulfills a shared passion.
  grand passion 0.86   Grand passions include films and literature.
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