win passage 8.36   The measure won House passage yesterday.
  block passage 5.27   A crowd had gathered, blocking the passage.
  expect passage 4.08   Passage is expected.
  allow passage 3.36   Occasional gaps allow passage through the mountains.
  read passage 3.23   Kesler asked him to read a passage.
  urge passage 2.96   They urged the passage of clean air laws.
  ensure passage 2.90   Yet that may not be enough to ensure passage this year.
  assure passage 2.63   Passage is virtually assured.
  guarantee passage 2.57   He was guaranteed safe passage out of the country.
  delay passage 2.50   That will delay passage and possibly kill it.
  prevent passage 2.24   A blockade was set up to prevent the passage of bulldozers.
  include passage 2.04   But it included a passage that many would dispute.
  predict passage 2.04   Migden predicted easy passage.
  follow passage 1.97   The Senate approval followed passage in the House late Thursday.
  demand passage 1.84   They also demanded passage of an anti-blasphemy law.
  give passage 1.84   But it later dropped the idea because Pakistan refused to give passage.
  secure passage 1.84   In any event, they said, Mrs. Clinton was instrumental in securing passage of the bill.
  negotiate passage 1.71   He negotiated safe passage back to Chechnya.
  seek passage 1.58   The Catalans also seek passage of a number of laws stalled in the congress.
  mark passage 1.51   How will we mark that passage?
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