touchdown pass 46.94   Dropped a touchdown pass.
  mountain pass 16.13   The monastery is in a remote mountain pass.
  cross-ice pass 4.02   It came after a deft cross-ice pass from Green.
  alley-oop pass 3.29   He threw an alley-oop pass to a surprised Williams.
  no-look pass 3.09   He threw no-look passes.
  time pass 3.03   And it may only get worse as time passes.
  third-down pass 2.50   His third-down pass to McKnight was wide.
  bounce pass 2.44   One is the bounce pass.
  lob pass 2.44   Jones dunked a lob pass from Nick Van Exel.
  season pass 2.44   A pig was worth a season pass.
  entry pass 2.30   We had trouble with entry passes.
  press pass 2.30   I wore a Globe press pass.
  swing pass 2.17   A swing pass left to Greg Hill.
  desperation pass 2.11   It ended in a desperation pass that the Falcons swiped.
  drop pass 2.11   The drop pass he made in the neutral zone.
  outlet pass 1.91   They pressure the outlet pass.
  year pass 1.91   Years pass and things happen slowly.
  rail pass 1.84   Ask about rail passes.
  shovel pass 1.71   It began with the aforementioned shovel pass.
  day pass 1.38   A limited number of day passes are available.
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