public-private partnership 5.13   This is a public-private partnership.
  business partnership 4.87   U.S.-Japanese business partnerships may herald era of trade peace.
  investment partnership 3.16   He also lends his name to investment partnerships.
  private-public partnership 1.12   He has offered only the useless rhetoric of private-public partnerships.
  coalition partnership 0.99   Ciller also ruled out coalition partnership with Welfare.
  double partnership 0.79   With a showdown looming, their doubles partnership has been suspended.
  development partnership 0.72   Apollo Real Estate Advisors and The Palladium Co. complete the development partnership.
  distribution partnership 0.72   The company also has a number of strategic distribution partnerships.
  equity partnership 0.66   Mahindra and Ford will have equal equity partnership.
  government partnership 0.66   Government partnerships will only enhance that effort, they argue.
  trade partnership 0.66   But Daley said the legislation was aimed at creating a trade partnership in which both sides benefit.
  community partnership 0.53   How would their work be integrated in a new community partnership?
  mortgage partnership 0.53   Neither Levine nor any directors of the mortgage partnership held a stake in it.
  research partnership 0.53   The initiative also calls for new research partnerships with industry.
  technology partnership 0.53   Various technology partnerships have since been forged.
  strike partnership 0.46   Shearer has scored eight goals so far this season in a fearsome strike partnership with Les Ferdinand.
  same-sex partnership 0.39   Three dozen gay couples celebrated their same-sex partnerships to kick off the event.
  security partnership 0.39   China worries about the agreement last year to upgrade the U.S.-Japan security partnership.
  three-way partnership 0.39   A three-way partnership set up by Telmex last September will also help America Movil move forward.
  wicket partnership 0.39   Karl Krikken and Dominic Cork produced a record-breaking eighth wicket partnership for Derbyshire at Old Trafford.
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