contain particle 1.12   The smoke contains tiny particles that do the damage.
  remove particle 1.12   These particles must be removed or they will scratch the work surface.
  produce particle 0.59   Sanding produces particles that can lead to allergies and respiratory sicknesses.
  trap particle 0.59   The coffee filter has thin fibers to trap the particles that cause bitterness.
  use particle 0.59   Similarly, suspended particles may be used in various ways.
  create particle 0.46   Studies show that radials create particles small enough to become airborne.
  release particle 0.46   That might release radioactive particles outside repository via air or water.
  capture particle 0.39   The filter is designed to capture airborne particles like dust or bacteria.
  collect particle 0.39   They feed by collecting tiny particles from the water.
  absorb particle 0.33   Yet it seemed to absorb every particle of light as if it had never been.
  make particle 0.33   We have made retrovirus particles displaying a functional antibody fragment.
  spread particle 0.33   The ventilation system can help spread particles, too.
  attract particle 0.26   They create a static charge that attracts dust particles.
  find particle 0.26   That would explain why metal detectors found magnetic particles.
  inhale particle 0.26   Otherwise, you may be inhaling unburned particles.
  involve particle 0.26   Reactions with very fast rates often involve particles known as free radicals.
  send particle 0.26   To solve the mystery, Spiropulu and other physicists send particles smashing into each other at very high speeds, and examine the spray of wreckage.
  spew particle 0.26   He spent months measuring radiation, sometimes standing on the roof as the reactor spewed deadly particles.
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