russian parliament 34.50   ...the Russian parliament.
  new parliament 33.31   Center has six seats in the new parliament.
  federal parliament 15.14   There is a third, federal parliament.
  european parliament 14.48   It also gives more power to the European parliament.
  israeli parliament 13.69   The Knesset is the Israeli parliament.
  national parliament 12.84   It even became an issue in the national parliament.
  german parliament 11.45   German parliament to vote on NATO deployment.
  indian parliament 9.48   World leaders condemn attack on Indian parliament.
  yugoslav parliament 7.77   It was approved Wednesday by Yugoslav parliament.
  hung parliament 7.64   What a hung parliament is?
  elected parliament 7.18   Only Kuwait has an elected parliament.
  palestinian parliament 6.52   Palestinian parliament passes salary law.
  regional parliament 6.52   The document still has to be approved by the regional parliament.
  serbian parliament 6.19   Serbian parliament passes restrictive media law.
  turkish parliament 5.79   Turkish parliament approves international arbitration.
  current parliament 5.20   The current parliament has a four-year legislature.
  french parliament 5.00   National Front loses sole seat in French parliament.
  ukrainian parliament 4.87   A roar of approval resounded through the Ukrainian parliament.
  former parliament 4.81   Four former Kurdish parliament deputies remain jailed.
  bosnian parliament 4.61   Bosnian parliament meets.
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