local parish 3.29   The visit has re-energized local parishes.
  new parish 1.71   Father Doyle moved to a new parish.
  catholic parish 1.45   But other Catholic parishes might not qualify.
  rural parish 1.18   Some rural parishes also recorded relatively high adventitious populations.
  small parish 1.05   He had been working at a small parish in New Mexico.
  roman_catholic parish 0.86   And the second floor of the Roman Catholic parish building was damaged by fire.
  suburban parish 0.53   She has also picked up supporters from suburban parishes, who feel inspired.
  urban parish 0.53   Many urban parishes and parochial schools are in poor financial health.
  black parish 0.46   There is one black parish pastor.
  individual parish 0.46   Individual parishes in the Boston area are not incorporated, so they can not borrow money from banks.
  neighbouring parish 0.46   The priest obviously bussed in from the neighbouring parish to run the show here.
  first parish 0.39   It is also the place where the first order of black nuns and the first black parish were founded.
  old parish 0.39   He turned the key in the lock, and went in the side door of the old parish hall.
  annual parish 0.33   The annual parish meeting yes.
  episcopal parish 0.33   Even at the most conservative Episcopal parishes, these words appear as positives.
  large parish 0.33   Yet another large Kettering parish, St. Albert the Great, has been forced to confront the issue.
  central parish 0.26   In the central parish of Clarendon, an undisclosed number of people also lost their homes in the low-lying villages.
  northern parish 0.26   It came shortly after the accused, Rev. Gerald Shirilla, had accepted a new position with a northern Michigan parish.
  polish parish 0.26   There are fewer Polish neighborhoods, so there is no longer a need for so many Polish parishes.
  working-class parish 0.26   And he has served in working-class parishes in Bogota.
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