strike paralyze 4.08   Strike paralyzes country.
  fear paralyze 0.92   Fear paralyzed him, he said.
  worker paralyze 0.72   Bus and subway workers paralyzed dozens of major cities in strikes from Monday through Wednesday.
  storm paralyze 0.46   Freak snow storm paralyzes Jerusalem, Jordan.
  indecision paralyze 0.39   They were paralyzed by indecision.
  protest paralyze 0.39   The protests paralyzed most downtown traffic in La Paz.
  remains paralyze 0.39   The actor remains paralyzed from the shoulders down.
  uncertainty paralyze 0.39   The political uncertainty had paralyzed government.
  blockade paralyze 0.33   The blockades paralyzed much of the country and wrought havoc elsewhere in Europe.
  crisis paralyze 0.33   The political crisis paralyzed life and business in impoverished Bangladesh.
  infighting paralyze 0.33   But the government has been paralyzed by infighting between the Hutu and Tutsi cabinet members.
  polio paralyze 0.33   One of her children, who was paralyzed by polio, eats roots.
  injury paralyze 0.26   Bradhurst said the spinal injury would have paralyzed him.
  typhoon paralyze 0.26   The typhoon paralyzed transportation Sunday.
  walkout paralyze 0.26   Their walkout paralyzed international shipping and passenger services to the Greek islands.
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