partial paralysis 1.97   The condition he had was only a partial paralysis.
  political paralysis 1.71   Italians seek end to political paralysis.
  permanent paralysis 1.12   Sledding accidents can cause permanent paralysis.
  facial paralysis 0.79   Later, severe arthritis and facial paralysis may develop.
  temporary paralysis 0.79   But the apocalyptic sweep of events resulted in temporary paralysis.
  progressive paralysis 0.66   That causes progressive paralysis, and finally death.
  governmental paralysis 0.59   The alternative could be two or even four years of governmental paralysis.
  legislative paralysis 0.59   The result has been legislative paralysis.
  total paralysis 0.59   Spinal cord injuries often result in total paralysis of limbs.
  virtual paralysis 0.53   There is a virtual paralysis everywhere.
  economic paralysis 0.33   This is a risk of economic paralysis.
  possible paralysis 0.33   Another is facing possible paralysis.
  respiratory paralysis 0.33   But polio is no longer common, and respiratory paralysis is rare.
  severe paralysis 0.33   Since then the incidence of the disease, which can cause severe paralysis, has dropped dramatically.
  complete paralysis 0.26   This can cause weakness, tingling in the extremities, fatigue, mental fogginess, poor coordination, even complete paralysis.
  muscular paralysis 0.26   It can cause muscular paralysis and respiratory difficulties.
  resulting paralysis 0.26   Many blame Dubinin for failing to avoid the crisis and the resulting paralysis of the banking system.
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