file paper 19.35   Papers were filed in Los Angeles.
  say paper 15.08   He died Thursday night, the paper said.
  sign paper 10.60   Sign those papers.
  read paper 9.81   Read the paper.
  publish paper 7.50   The paper is published on Wednesday.
  use paper 7.31   Iron used wrapping paper?
  have paper 7.11   He has papers.
  tell paper 5.53   Prasit told the paper.
  write paper 5.46   Papers are written.
  check paper 4.94   I checked the papers.
  present paper 4.74   Had Lim presented a paper at the Oslo conference?
  make paper 4.02   Paper is made from wood.
  get paper 3.55   Have you got that paper?
  take paper 3.55   Take the papers.
  submit paper 3.49   How do I submit a paper to an electronic journal?
  sell paper 3.36   Sell papers.
  buy paper 3.23   Buy a paper.
  deliver paper 3.23   Delivered papers.
  produce paper 2.76   The machine produces paper for the fast food industry.
  remove paper 2.63   Remove parchment paper.
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