advisory panel 36.01   The advisory panel disagreed with the decision.
  congressional panel 12.18   The study is presented to a congressional panel.
  independent panel 11.72   They demanded that an independent panel review it.
  special panel 9.35   Stan Musial was added by the special panel.
  international panel 8.69   Two international panels ordered him released.
  new panel 6.71   The new panels will be significantly thicker.
  expert panel 6.12   Abbott named the expert panel at the request of the FDA.
  federal panel 6.06   A three-judge federal panel agreed with Reno.
  appellate panel 5.79   The appellate panel agreed.
  flat panel 4.21   Flat panels for the masses.
  judicial panel 4.08   And a judicial panel ruled against her on that.
  investigative panel 3.69   The investigative panel is to submit findings by Tuesday.
  disciplinary panel 3.49   A disciplinary panel banned her for four years.
  parliamentary panel 3.42   A parliamentary panel meets Tuesday to consider the request.
  presidential panel 3.36   Presidential panel rejects cloning humans.
  scientific panel 3.29   The USDA scientific panel is expected to report its findings later this week.
  negotiating panel 3.16   Part of the negotiating panel has been created.
  same panel 3.09   The same panel convicted Buck on Monday.
  front panel 3.03   Some have chrome-plated front panels.
  state panel 2.50   He said he expected to entrust the system to a new state panel that he would control.
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